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The Van Gogh Family

Vincent van Gogh

Theo van Gogh Johanna van Gogh-Bonger Theodorus van Gogh (Vincent's father)
Anna Cornelia van Gogh (Vincent's mother)
Willemina Jacoba van Gogh (Vincent's sister)
Anna Cornelia van Gogh (Vincent's sister)
Elizabeth Huberta van Gogh (Vincent's sister)
Cornelis van Gogh (Vincent's brother)
Vincent van Gogh (Vincent's grandfather)
Elisabeth Huberta Vrijdag (Vincent's grandmother)
Vincent van Gogh (Uncle Cent)
Johannes van Gogh (Uncle Jan)
Vincent Willem van Gogh (Theo and Jo's son)

Other People

Margot Begemann
Andries Bonger
Dr. Mendes da Costa
Dr. Paul Gachet
Marguerite Gachet
Paul Gauguin
Anton Mauve
Adeline Ravoux
Dr. Felix Rey
Rev. Thomas Slade-Jones
Johannes Stricker
G. A. Ridder van Rappard
Cornelia Adriana Vos-Stricker (Kee)

Van Gogh Scholars

Jacob Baart de la Faille
Jan Hulsker

Important Places in Van Gogh's Life

The Ravoux Inn: Auvers-sur-Oise
The room where Vincent died
Vincent and Theo's graves
Grave of Vincent van Gogh (infant)

Saint-Rémy de Provence

The asylum (as seen today)
Advertisement for the asylum
Vincent's cell
The baths of Saint-Rémy
A corridor in the asylum
Vincent's window

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