Belangrijkste bijdragen
Collecting Van Gogh Postcards -- juli 2002
23rd. December 1888: An Inquiry Into What Really Happened -- juni 2002
Vincent van Gogh: Lessons from Japan -- augustus 2001
The Discovery of Van Gogh: From Shade to Light -- mei 2001
Dancing with Van Gogh -- maart 2001
My Appreciation of Van Gogh -- maart 2001
Painting in the Key of Vincent -- februari 2001
Observations While Reading Vincent's Mail -- oktober 2000
Muerto por la Sociedad (in Spanish) -- oktober 2000
The Millennium Project -- augustus 2000
Emile Zola's Influence Upon Vincent van Gogh -- juli 2000
Vincent van Gogh's life: Success or Failure? -- juni 2000
Vincent's Library
Books and Their Depiction in the Works of Van Gogh -- maart 2001
Am I Truly . . . . Your Sunshine?
Privacy vs. History: Reflections on the Van Gogh Family Letters -- april 2000
A Method in His Madness: The Role of Japonisme and Cloisinisme, Colour, and Nature in Vincent van Gogh's Irises -- april 2000
An Analysis on Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night -- februari 2000
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(Vertaald door Jan Geerling)
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