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50.5 x 103.0厘米
F 779,JH 2117





前一幅作品 后一幅作品


麦田群鸦 是梵高最具影响力,同时也是最受争议的作品之一。关于这幅作品如此多样化的解析也许已超过了对梵高任何其他作品的分析。有些人认为梵高通过这幅画释放了“自杀信号”,而另一些人却试图透过麦田和乌鸦,看到更深层次的,有积极意义的东西。还有一些评论家更加极端,为了将画中的意象翻译成一门全新的、潜意识中的语言,他们将视线投向了更远的地方——超过了画面本身。



事实上,与坊间流行的说法不同的是,麦田群鸦不是 梵高最后的作品。诚然,如果这幅画果真是梵高自杀前的最后一幅作品,那它对于世人确实会是个不错的礼物——完整并具有象征意义。毋庸置疑的是,这幅狂躁的作品清晰地表达了在麦田里的孤独感。这种孤独感正是梵高在人生的最后几年里作为一个倍感挫败、孤独的艺术家所承受的。另外,两部有名的影片梵高传文森特与席奥 都对历史做了些改动,把这幅画描述成梵高的最后一幅画——这更多是出于增强影片戏剧性的考虑,而不是忠于历史事实。尽管人们希望事实如此( 麦田群鸦是梵高最后的作品),但是这个说法还应在铁证面前屈服。

很难确定 麦田群鸦 具体画于哪一年。因为梵高同时期画了多幅类似的作品,并且都在信里提到过。在大约写于1890年7月的信件649号中,梵高描述了三幅画布油画:


信中的这一段让人费解。首先是因为梵高本人前后的描述截然相反。他一方面说他的作品表达了“难过和孤独”,另一方面却说“健康和复苏的力量”。其次,世界上研究梵高信件最权威的专家之一,Jan Hulsker博士称梵高在上面那段信中根本就没提到 麦田群鸦。Hulsker说信中提到的前两幅画应该是麦田阴云密布的奥维麦田1。然而,一些其他资料却认为那两幅作品就应该是 麦田群鸦云层下的麦田2。这四幅作品都与梵高“令人不安的天空”的描述大致吻合,但由于梵高没提到这些作品具体的大小(只模模糊糊说它们都很大),所以推测还将继续下去。

不管信件649号 中提到的作品到底是哪几幅,研究梵高的学者Ronald Pickvance在他的在圣雷米和奥维的梵高一书中指出,他赞同Hulsker博士的观点,认为 麦田群鸦 这幅画实际的创作年份还要更早。在仔细研究了信件后,Pickvance认为 麦田群鸦 应该创作于"7月7日到10日的某一天"3。这个时间段距离梵高自杀有两周之多。最后,Hulsker指出,梵高一生创作的最后的画作是 ". . . 杜比尼花园有茅草屋顶和人的小屋,这两幅画都极有可能是梵高的终作。"4

因此,既然 麦田群鸦 已经铁定不是梵高最后的作品了,那么认为这幅画释放“自杀信号”的论断自然就站不住脚了。尽管如此,很多证据都表明麦田群鸦 表达了梵高内心经受的折磨与绝望感。但是对于这样的证据,总会有同样强大的驳论来推翻上述观点。



  • 小路: 将 麦田群鸦 中的小路象征性地比作梵高的人生之路并不夸张。画中的小路共有三条:两条分别在前景的角落处,第三条在画面中间蜿蜒伸向远方。在前景中的两条路违背了逻辑常识,因为他们似乎凭空出现,又不知到底引向何方。有些人说这代表着梵高对于自己人生不确定性的困惑。在画面中间的第三条路给人们提供了丰富的想象空间。这条路通向哪里?它是否把麦田一分为二,并且又延伸向了远方?亦或,这条路实际上却在一个无法逃脱的终点处截止?这些疑问都只能由观者自己回答。

  • 天空: 梵高在职业生涯的早期比较喜欢阴云密布的天空。(看 暴风雨中的施维宁根海岸)。他对大自然的力量抱有一种敬畏之情,并且在多幅画中都描绘了狂风骤雨下的天空。因为,在空白的画布上,这个主题可以给艺术家以丰富的创造力,让他们尽情地挥舞画笔。此外,梵高还提到过在暴风雨中得以脱身的可能性:“飞行员有时在暴风雨中可以成功地飞行,而不是因此遇难。”(信件197号)当然了,随着年龄的变化以及梵高本人精神状态的恶化,他对自然的看法可能不像以前那么积极了。不管怎样,我们有理由认为梵高把暴风雨视为自然界一个具有积极意义,且至关重要的一部分。(至少从他早年的信件中可以看出来)

  • 乌鸦:也许麦田群鸦 这幅画里最有吸引力的就是群鸦了。人们对这些群鸦的象征意义有着许多不同的解释,并且对群鸦的关注主要集中于群鸦的飞行方向上。它们是飞向 作画人(即观者的方向),还是飞离作画人?如果观者认为乌鸦是正在飞来,那么这幅画给人的感觉会更加不祥。如果是正在飞远的话,会好过不少。其实,这两种观点都是有争议的。


    其次,更重要的是,认为乌鸦象征着死亡的说法纯属杜撰。 梵高本人从未认可过这样的说法。他崇尚自然界的万物,在信中不仅没有表现出对乌鸦的厌恶之情,还表达了他对乌鸦的欣赏:



    我今早看到大教堂上停留了好多的乌鸦。又要到春天了,云雀也快飞回来了。"上帝使万物复苏"这样写道:"看哪,我把一切都变成新的了," 正如上帝使万物复苏一样,上帝也使人类的心灵、思想和灵魂焕然一新,并且变得更加强大。



    尽管无视乌鸦作为不详预兆这一众所周知的象征意义很愚蠢,但是因此把这一象征意义用于分析 麦田群鸦 未免有些太过简单和保守了 。

隐含的意思 . . . . .

很多喜欢分析梵高画的象征意义的人将他们的分析带向了另一高度。多年来,有一些人仔细钻研了所谓的隐藏在 画里 的种种象征和图案。他们称这些图案是“隐藏”在画中的,可能是梵高有意而为之(作为给敏锐的后人一张"瓶子里的纸条"),也可能是梵高下意识存放在笔刷背后的,潜意识里的“低语”。

麦田群鸦 给此类解析提供了丰富的素材。Yvonne Korshak仔细分析了这幅画,并发现了多个藏在画面里的图案。这些图案有天空中的大鸟,“云型”以及云层中的像加布里奥一样的号手(看右侧的细节图)。她解释道:


很多人认为像 Korshak女士这样的分析为理解,研究梵高的画开辟了激动人心的新道路。在画笔中究竟潜藏着怎样的秘密?麦田群鸦 中是否真的有隐藏了一个多世纪的图案等待着人们去发现?也许我自己的一些发现能对这些问题给出答案 . . . . .


简而言之,什么都不能。为了表明我的观点,那就是,试图寻找暗藏在画面里的图案是徒劳并且没有收获的工作,我自己也试着“寻宝”。我把这幅画倒过来,然后仔细地观察天空看能不能发现什么。大约五秒钟后,我就发现了一个隐隐约约的像耳朵一样的图案。当我把画面转到一个合适的角度时,这个耳朵图案就变得非常明显了。事实上,太多的时间都花在旋转、裁剪画面上,而不是真正的去寻找。在 麦田群鸦的天空中根本就没有什么“耳朵”。



关于 麦田群鸦 不同的解释中有简单的,也有非常离谱的。关于画面象征意义的发掘是个有趣,并且有启发性的事情,但是过度的解释会导致观者因小失大。梵高的作品给我们提供了极其丰富的素材去发掘和欣赏。作为一个有杰出才能的画家,他的画总是非常棒,甚至是极佳的。那些试图寻找 麦田群鸦 暗含意义的人也许会感到失望。对于某些人,他们想更好地理解梵高神话,这种难以抑制的欲望几乎促使他们走上了寻找并不存在的“圣杯”的道路。

观察者会发现,仅是单纯地欣赏 麦田群鸦这幅画就很有意义。画面的色彩、张力和笔触间动荡的和谐感都耐人寻味。而那些触碰不到的秘密,如果的确存在的话,将继续在不可知的空间里流转——正如那些群鸦一样。

1. Jan Hulsker, 梵高的作品和信件指南 (Waanders 1993年出版),第42页。
2. John Leighton, 麦田群鸦 (Waanders 1999年出版),第23页
3. Ronald Pickvance, 在圣雷米和奥维的梵高 (Harry N. Abrams公司,1986年出版),第276页。
4. Jan Hulsker, 全新的梵高:油画,素描和绘画 (Meulenhoff 1996年出版),第478页
5. Yvonne Korshak,"现实主义和超越式想象: 梵高的‘麦田群鸦’" (Pantheon 43卷 1985年出版),第115页。


Owner City Country Date acquired Comments
Theo van Gogh Paris France 1890-91  
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger Amsterdam Netherlands 1891-1925  
V.W. van Gogh Laren Netherlands 1925-62 On loan to the Stedelijk Museum 1931-62.
Van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam Netherlands 1962 On loan to the Stedelijk Museum 1962-73.
Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam Netherlands 1973 On permanent loan from the Vincent van Gogh Foundation.


Year City Country Venue Exhibition Name Start Date End Date No.
1905 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh 15 July 1905 1 August 1905 234
1905 Utrecht Netherlands Vereeniging 'Voor de Kunst' Tentoonstelling van schilderijen door Vincent van Gogh 10 September 1905 1 October 1905 59
1908 Dresden Germany Emil Richter Vincent van Gogh/Paul Cézanne  
1908 Munich (1) Germany Moderne Kunsthandlung [F.J. Brakl] Vincent van Gogh  
1908 Berlin (4) Germany Paul Cassirer
1908 Paris (1) France Galerie Bernheim-Jeune Cent tableaux de Vincent van Gogh 6 January 1908 1 February 1908 100
1908 Frankfurt Germany Frankfurter Kunstverein Vincent van Gogh Ausstellung 14 June 1908 28 June 1908 80
1910-11 London United Kingdom Grafton Galleries Manet and the Post-Impressionists 8 November 1910 16 January 1911 71
1911-12 Hamburg Germany Galerie Commeter  
10 November 1911  
1914 Berlin (1) Germany Paul Cassirer Vincent van Gogh 30 März 1853-29 July 1890. Zehnte Ausstellung 1 June 1914 5 July 1914 145
1915 Amsterdam Netherlands Gebouw van het Genootschap van kunstenaren Moderne Kunstkring Vincent van Gogh, werken van genooten. schilderijen, teekeningen en beeldhouwwerien 26 September 1915 30 November 1915 20
1923 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Tentoonstelling van Nederlandsche beeldende kunsten  
1923-24 London United Kingdom Leicester Galleries Vincent van Gogh Exhibition 1 December 1923 15 January 1923 39
1924 Basel Switzerland Kunsthalle Basel Vincent van Gogh 27 March 1924 4 May 1924 79
1924 Zurich Switzerland Kunsthaus Zurich Vincent van Gogh 3 July 1924 10 August 1924 76
1924 Stuttgart Germany Württembergischer Kunstverein Ausstellung Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 12 October 1924 30 November 1924 38
1925 The Hague Netherlands Pulchri Studio Vincent van Gogh  
1925 Paris (1) France Galerie Marcel Bernheim Exposition rétrospective d'oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) 5 January 1925 24 January 1925 55
1927 Paris France Galerie Bernheim-Jeune Vincent van Gogh l'époque française 20 June 1927 2 July 1927  
1928 Munich Germany Graphisches Kabinett Vincent van Gogh. Fünfunddreißig Unbekannte Gemälde aus Privatbesitz 5 May 1928  
1930 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Vincent van Gogh en zijn tijdgenooten 6 September 1930 2 November 1930 108
1935-36 New York United States Museum of Modern Art Vincent van Gogh 5 November 1935 5 January 1936 66
1936 Philadelphia United States Philadelphia Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh 11 January 1936 10 February 1936 66
1936 Boston United States Museum of Fine Arts Vincent van Gogh 19 February 1936 15 March 1936 66
1936 Cleveland (1) United States Cleveland Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh 25 March 1936 19 April 1936 66
1936 San Francisco United States California Palace of the Legion of Honor Vincent van Gogh 28 April 1936 24 May 1936 66
1936 Kansas City United States William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum Vincent van Gogh 9 June 1936 10 July 1936 66
1936 Minneapolis United States Minneapolis Institute of Arts Vincent van Gogh 20 July 1936 17 August 1936 66
1936 Chicago United States Art Institute of Chicago Vincent van Gogh 26 August 1936 23 September 1936 66
1936 Detroit United States Detroit Institute of Arts Vincent van Gogh 6 October 1936 28 October 1936 66
1945 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Vincent van Gogh 14 September 1945 1 December 1945 ---
1946 Stockholm Sweden Nationalmuseum Vincent van Gogh. Utställning Anordnad till Förmän för Svenska Hollandshjälpen 8 March 1946 28 April 1946 104
1946 Gothenburg Sweden Göteborgs Konstmuseum Vincent van Gogh. Utställning Anordnad till Förmän för Svenska Hollandshjälpen 3 May 1946 26 May 1946 104
1946 Malmö Sweden Malmö Museum Vincent van Gogh. Utställning Anordnad till Förmän för Svenska Hollandshjälpen 29 May 1946 16 June 1946 104
1946 Liège Belgium Musée des Beaux-Arts Vincent van Gogh 12 October 1946 3 November 1946 171
1946 Brussels Belgium Palais des Beaux-Arts Vincent van Gogh 9 November 1946 19 December 1946 171
1946-47 Mons Belgium Musée des Beaux-Arts Vincent van Gogh 27 December 1946  
1947 Paris (1) France Musée de l'Orangerie Vincent van Gogh 24 January 1947 15 March 1947 172
1947 Geneva Switzerland Musée Rath 172 oeuvres de Vincent van Gogh 22 March 1947 20 April 1947 172
1947-48 London United Kingdom Tate Gallery Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 10 December 1947 14 January 1948 99
1948 Birmingham United Kingdom City Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 24 January 1948 14 February 1948 99
1948 Glasgow Scotland Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 21 February 1948 14 March 1948 99
1948 Bergen Norway Kunstforening Vincent van Gogh, Malerier Tegninger 23 March 1948 18 April 1948 67
1948 Oslo Norway Kunstnernes Hus Vincent van Gogh, Malerier Tegninger 24 April 1948 15 May 1948 67
1949-50 New York United States Metropolitan Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition 21 October 1949 15 January 1950 153
1950 Chicago United States Art Institute of Chicago Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition 1 February 1950 16 April 1950 153
1951 Lyons France Musée de Lyon Vincent van Gogh 5 February 1951 27 March 1951 83
1951 Arles France Musée Réattu Vincent van Gogh en Provence 5 May 1951 27 May 1951 83
1953 The Hague Netherlands Haags Gemeentemuseum Vincent van Gogh 1853-1953 30 March 1953 17 May 1953 197
1953 Otterlo Netherlands Kröller-Müller Museum Eeuwfeest Vincent van Gogh 1853-1953 24 May 1953 19 July 1953 189
1953 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Eeuwfeest Vincent van Gogh 23 July 1953 20 September 1953 189
1954 Zurich Switzerland Kunsthaus Zurich Vincent van Gogh 9 October 1954 21 November 1954 77
1955 Palm Beach United States Society of the Four Arts Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 21 January 1955 13 February 1955 32
1955 Miami United States Lowe Gallery of the University of Miami Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 24 February 1955 20 March 1955 32
1955 New Orleans United States Isaac Delgado Museum Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 27 March 1955 20 April 1955 32
1955 Antwerp (1) Belgium Feestzaal Vincent van Gogh 7 May 1955 19 June 1955 364
1955 Liverpool United Kingdom Walker Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh 29 October 1955 10 December 1955 83
1955-56 Manchester United Kingdom Manchester City Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh 17 December 1955 4 February 1956 83
1956 Newcastle-upon-Tyne United Kingdom Laing Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings, Mainly from the Collection of Ir. V.W. van Gogh 11 February 1956 24 March 1956 83
1957 Marseilles France Musée Cantini Vincent van Gogh 12 March 1957 28 April 1957 87
1958 San Francisco United States M.H. de Young Memorial Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 6 October 1958 30 November 1958 84
1958-59 Los Angeles United States Los Angeles County Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 10 December 1958 18 January 1959 84
1959 Portland United States Portland Art Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 28 January 1959 1 March 1959 84
1959 Seattle United States Seattle Art Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 7 March 1959 19 April 1959 84
1959-60 Utrecht Netherlands Centraal Museum Vincent van Gogh schilderijen en tekeningen verzameling Ir. V.W. van Gogh 18 December 1959 1 February 1960 64
1960 Montreal Canada Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Canada Collects: European Painting 1860-1960 6 October 1960 6 November 1960 79
1960 Ottawa Canada National Gallery of Canada Canada Collects: European Painting 1860-1960 17 November 1960 18 December 1960 79
1960-61 Winnipeg Canada Winnipeg Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings 29 December 1960 31 January 1961 79
1961 Toronto Canada Art Gallery of Toronto Vincent van Gogh. Paintings-Drawings 10 February 1961 12 March 1961 79
1961 Baltimore United States Baltimore Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 18 October 1961 26 November 1961 81
1961-62 Cleveland United States Cleveland Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 5 December 1961 14 January 1962 81
1962 Buffalo United States Albright Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 30 January 1962 11 March 1962 81
1962 Boston United States Museum of Fine Arts Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 22 March 1962 29 April 1962 81
1963 Humlebaek Denmark Louisiana Vincent van Gogh. Malerier og Tegninger 24 October 1963 15 December 1963 60
1964 Washington, D.C. United States Washington Gallery of Modern Art Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 2 February 1964 19 March 1964 60
1964 New York (4) United States Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings 2 April 1964 28 June 1964 60
1965 Charleroi Belgium Palais des Beaux-Arts Vincent van Gogh. Schilderijen, Aquarellen, Tekeningen 19 January 1965 28 March 1965 41
1965 Ghent Belgium Museum voor Schone Kunsten Vincent van Gogh. Schilderijen, Aquarellen, Tekeningen 19 February 1965 21 March 1965 41
1965 Stockholm Sweden Moderna Museet Vincent van Gogh. Mälningar, Akvareller, Teckningar 23 October 1965 19 December 1965 60
1965-66 Gothenburg Sweden Göteborgs Konstmuseum Vincent van Gogh. Mälningar, Akvareller, Teckningar 30 December 1965 20 February 1966 60
1967 Wolfsburg Germany Stadhalle Wolfsburg Vincent van Gogh. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen 18 February 1967 2 April 1967 81
1968-69 London United Kingdom Hayward Gallery Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Amsterdam 23 October 1968 12 January 1969 201
1970 Baltimore United States Baltimore Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 11 October 1970 29 November 1970 68
1970-71 San Francisco United States M.H. de Young Memorial Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 11 December 1970 31 January 1971 68
1971 Brooklyn United States Brooklyn Museum Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and Drawings 14 February 1971 4 April 1971 68
1973 Bern Switzerland Kunstmuseum Bern Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam 25 January 1973 15 April 1973 47
1986-87 New York United States Metropolitan Museum of Art Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers 12 November 1986 22 March 1987 85
1990 Amsterdam Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Vincent van Gogh. Schilderijen 30 March 1990 29 July 1990 132
1997 Tokyo Japan Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh and His Time. Four Seasons from the Vincent van Gogh Museum and the H.W. Mesdag Museum 12 September 1997 11 November 1997
1998-99 Washington, D.C. United States National Gallery of Art Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 4 October 1998 3 January 1999 70
1999 Los Angeles United States Los Angeles County Museum of Art Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 17 January 1999 16 May 1999 70
2003 Amsterdam (2) Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Gogh Modern 27 June 2003 12 October 2003 ---
2005-06 Amsterdam (1) Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Fierce Friends: Artists & Animals in the Industrial Era, 1750-1900 5 October 2005 5 February 2006  
2006-07 Amsterdam Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Vincent van Gogh and Expressionism 24 November 2006 4 March 2007 ---

注: 此页已被译成了 意大利语西班牙语

(翻译:Lena Cho)
