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73.0 x 92.0厘米
F 612, JH 1731




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前一幅作品 后一幅作品

星夜 也许是梵高最著名的作品了。由于它独树一帜的风格,这幅作品多次在诗歌,小说,CD中出现,当然还有Don Mclean(唐•马克林)那首著名的歌 "文森特" 又名“夜晚繁星点点”。

尽管 星夜 的知名度已经毋庸置疑,但是我们却无法了解到梵高本人对这幅画的看法。这是因为他只在给席奥的信中提到过两次,而且还是一笔带过。(信件 595号和607号)在信件中,梵高经常会跟弟弟非常详尽地描述他的作品,但却从没有关于星夜 的描述。 为什么?很难回答这个问题。

星夜 是梵高在圣雷米精神病院期间创作的。那时,由于遭受着严重的精神疾病困扰,他的行为古怪异常。与梵高大部分作品不同,星夜 是他凭记忆画下的,而非梵高一贯的实景写生。这也许能解释为什么,在梵高同时期的作品中,这幅星夜 能给人如此大的心灵上的震撼。

有些人把这幅画与文森特另一幅同样给人狂乱感觉的名画 麦田上空的乌鸦在风格上做了比较。这些作品躁狂的风格是否折射出了一个备受折磨的灵魂?我们是否能从梵高笔下漩涡汹涌的星空中读出更多的东西?这些疑问使星夜 不仅成为了梵高最有名的作品,而且还因其特殊的含义和重要性成为了最经常被解读的作品之一。


创世纪 37:9

无论这幅作品蕴含的意义如何,或者后人怎样解读它,星夜 都被认为是19世纪最重要的画作之一。

  • 关于星夜 一些有趣方面的探讨,以及它的天文意义的详述见在线论坛

  • Greg Saucier 说星夜的画面中有一个阴阳图案


Owner City Country Date acquired Comments
Theo van Gogh Paris France 1889-91  
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger Amsterdam Netherlands 1891-1905  
Oldenzeel Gallery Rotterdam Netherlands 1905-06  
Miss G.P. van Stolk Rotterdam Netherlands 1906-38 On loan to Museum Boymans, Rotterdam, until May 1924.
Paul Rosenburg Art Gallery New York United States 1938-41
Museum of Modern Art New York United States 1941 Acquired through the L.P. Bliss bequest.


Year City Country Venue Exhibition Name Start Date End Date No.
1905 Amsterdam Netherlands Stedelijk Museum Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh 15 July 1905 1 August 1905 199
1906 Rotterdam Netherlands Kunstzalen Oldenzeel Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh 26 January 1906 28 February 1906 47
1927-28 Rotterdam Netherlands Museum Boymans Kersttentoonstelling in het Museum Boijmans 23 December 1927 16 January 1928 33
1944 New York (2) United States Museum of Modern Art Art in Progress, Fifteenth Anniversary Exhibition  
1948 Cleveland United States Cleveland Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh 3 November 1948 12 December 1948 19
1949-50 New York United States Metropolitan Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition 21 October 1949 15 January 1950 111A
1950 Chicago United States Art Institute of Chicago Vincent van Gogh Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition 1 February 1950 16 April 1950 111A
1950-51 Philadelphia United States Philadelphia Museum of Art Masterpieces of Painting, Daimond Jubilee Exhibition 4 November 1950 11 February 1951 90
1952-53 New York (1) United States Museum of Modern Art Les Fauves 8 October 1952 4 January 1953 4
1954 Chicago United States Art Institute of Chicago Masterpieces of Religious Art 15 July 1954 31 August 1954 p 54
1955 Paris (2) France Musée de l'Orangerie De David à Toulouse-Lautrec, Chefs d'oeuvre des collection américaines  
1986-87 New York United States Metropolitan Museum of Art Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers 12 November 1986 22 March 1987 14
1990 Amsterdam Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Vincent van Gogh. Schilderijen 30 March 1990 29 July 1990 93
2000 Atlanta United States High Museum of Art Van Gogh's 'Starry Night': Three Masterpieces from The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2 September 2000 5 November 2000  
2001-02 Chicago United States Art Institute of Chicago Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South 22 September 2001 13 January 2002 116
2003-04 Houston United States Museum of Fine Arts The Heroic Century: The Museum of Modern Art's Masterpieces, 200 Paintings and Sculptures 21 September 2003 4 January 2004
2004 Berlin Germany New National Gallery The Heroic Century: The Museum of Modern Art's Masterpieces, 200 Paintings and Sculptures 18 February 2004 19 September 2004  
2008 New Haven United States Yale University Art Gallery Van Gogh’s Cypresses and The Starry Night: Visions of Saint-Rémy 15 June 2008 7 September 2008 ---
2008-09 New York United States Museum of Modern Art Van Gogh at the Colours of the Night 21 September 2008 5 January 2009 39
2009 Amsterdam Netherlands Van Gogh Museum Van Gogh at the Colours of the Night 13 February 2009 7 June 2009 53


(翻译:Lena Cho)
