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Thank you very much for visiting my Vincent van Gogh Gallery. As I mention on the main page, this site has undergone a great number of changes over the course of the last four years. What started out as three simple files (one page and two graphics) has now grown to more 6,500 files. I'm fairly pleased with the various improvements I've been making to my Van Gogh website, but these changes are only the beginning of what I envision to be an ongoing series of enhancements. It seems the more time I spend learning about Van Gogh, the more I realize there is still so much to do.

In addition to continually fine tuning the layout of my Van Gogh site, I have a number of ideas for new features:

In any event, I sincerely hope that you've enjoyed your visit and that you'll return soon to see my Van Gogh site continue to improve and, hopefully, provide some insights and entertainment for anyone interested in the life and art of Vincent van Gogh.

Thanks again for dropping by.

David Brooks
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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