Maps of Locations Where the Artist Lived
In 1886 Vincent van Gogh wrote ". . . I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate, and feeling nowhere so much myself a stranger as in my family and country." (Letter 459a). Van Gogh was indeed an adventurer and wanderer. Throughout the course of his short life, Van Gogh lived in more than twenty cities in four countries: The Netherlands, Great Britain, Belgium and France. For more detailed maps and information, please click on one of the four countries below or select from the list on the right.
- Artist Jane Tomlinson has created a brilliant painting detailing all the locations where Van Gogh lived.
- The best book for exploring the various places Van Gogh lived is Following Van Gogh: From Zundert to Auvers (available from www.waanders.nl) by Jack Nouws and Vincent van de Wijngaard. Full details and a review can be found in the Books section.
- For an in depth look at Van Gogh's stay in Amsterdam in 1877-78 I can recommend Vincent van Gogh over Amsterdam by Reindert Groot and Teio Meedendorp (Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum: 2003). Informative and beautifully photographed. In Dutch only.
- Van Gogh Walks . . . Paris by Priscilla Bain-Smith is an entertaining book that focuses specifically on Vincent's years in Paris. See review .
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