This website is the result of more than nine years of work, but I can't take all the credit. I'd like to thank the following for their ongoing support:
- Theo J.H. van Bergen of 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands has been a great supporter of The Gallery over the years. Many thanks, Theo, for your ongoing interest and support.
- I'd also want to thank Gwendol Bowling of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Over the course of many months Gwendol has been tremendously helpful with regards to finding mistakes and inconsistencies within my site. Now that this Gallery is now more than 4,300 pages, there are bound to be a few. Whether it's a broken link, a missing graphic, typos, grammatical mistakes--you name it, Gwendol sees all and tells all. For her time and patience, hard work and eagle eyes I'd like to thank Gwendol for such great help.
- I'm also extremely grateful to Bob Harrison who provided the text of the complete letters of Van Gogh. I was proud to publish the complete letters on my website and it wouldn't have been possible without Bob's unbelievably hard work. Thanks, Bob, for your help and your friendship.
- I'd also like to pass along my sincere thanks to:
- I'm very grateful, too, to the mighty Google and Yahoo for sending more than ten million visitors my way.
- Finally, I'd like to take a moment to pass along a very warm thank you to each and every one of you that took the time and trouble to send me e-mail with your advice, praise, suggestions and words of support. It means a lot to me that people have enjoyed this website over the course of nearly ten years and that they can continue to explore the wheatfields, olive groves and sunflowers.
Thank you, one and all!
David Brooks |
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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